Friday, April 20, 2012

Ohhhh We're halfway there.

13 weeks left!!!

I think I've finally reached that point of "this job is fun and exciting, but I can't wait to go home!"
It's a whole different world here on the ship and I feel very separated from my life back in California. It feels like my life is on pause while everyone else is in fast forward at home. Don't get me wrong, I love it here. I am still learning brand new things everyday and getting to experience the most incredible people, places, and things, but I am finally feeling a little homesick.

The Fantasy cruised by our ship while we we at Castaway Cay. It looks exactly like our ship on the outside! It go so close to us!

I recently developed a minor obsession with The Hunger Games series! I just bought a kindle so I could read more books without having to carry around hard copies...there is just not enough storage space on the ship! I zoomed through the first book just in time to see the movie on a Port day. I am now reading the third book! Reading is a great way to pass time on the ship when you have a decent break or even just 5 minutes here or there. My next few books on my reading list are Animal Farm, 1984, and The Giver.

We had lots of visitors these last few cruises. My roomate's twin visited for two 5 day cruises. My good friend's girlfriend who I was lucky enough to meet in Toronto also came on for a couple of cruises. Brooke (Justin's girlfriend), Justin, Nick and I took a trip to Atlantis on a Nassau day.

 It is a beautiful resort! Nick also had a good friend of his come! We rented scooters and rode around Nassau! We rode to McDonald's and Junkanoo Beach!

We had a real fun Easter Sunday!!! Mickey and Minnie wore their adorable Easter outfits and the White Rabbit even made an appearance! There was a huge chocolate egg sculpture in the Atrium and there was a little Ariel figurine inside!

We had a cast Easter Egg Hunt in the Walt Disney Theater! 500 chocolate eggs were hidden around the Theater for us to collect!

Pluto personally delivered this special egg to me!!!!

Happy Belated Easter!!!!